Über Echo-Kammern oder: Die Interesse-Beladenheit der Fakten

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Von dem österreichischen Philosophen und enfant terrible der Wissenschaftstheorie Paul Feyerabend (1924 -1994) stammt das Diktum der „Theoriebeladenheit der Fakten“. Ihm zufolge können ‚objektive Fakten‘ nicht existieren. Denn alles, was im Wege sinnlicher Erfahrung, wissenschaftlicher Experimente oder anderer vermeintlich Sicherheit stiftender wissenschaftlicher Methoden zu einem Faktum erklärt wird, steht unter dem Vorbehalt der unumschränkten Akzeptanz dieser Experimente und Methoden als … Read More

The Conscious AI

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Artificial Consciousness

There is a lot of talk these days on the imminent danger posed to humans by AI. I think, the principal worries can be classified by the following three categories: There may exist further types of anxiety related to AI which do not fit under either one of these three categories: insufficient privacy related to face recognition for instance. But … Read More

“AR/VR Shows Signs of Advancement – and New Worries”

JvHNew articles

Which target markets are expected to peform best for AR and VR?

Movie, TV, Live-Events, Education and Gaming are the fields which proved most disappointing as target branches for AR & VR technologies whereas manufacturing, automotive, real estate and retail give new hope. PerkinsCoie’s Survey Industry insights into the Future of AR/VR – AR/VR shows signs of Advancements  – and New Worries of March 2018 shows that gaming’s lead position has suffered … Read More