Demokratische Systeme haben beim KI-Roll-out gegenüber autokratisch regierten Volkswirtschaften keine Chance Das Beispiel Autonomes Fahren Heute geht es am Beispiel des autonomen Fahrens um eine Beantwortung der Frage, warum China (und vielleicht sogar eines Tages Russland) in Sachen Technologieentwicklung den Rest der Welt abhängen und führend sein wird. Dies hat nicht viel mit Know–how und Bildung aber viel mit Geschwindigkeit … Read More
Ever heard a native speaker spell out “di-gi-ta-li-sa-tion”? I guess almost everybody has and almost everybody could have noticed then, that the syllable following the “l” gets somehow swallowed up the same way as the preceding “a” gets mumbled away. The word does have a tongue twister capacity. This is presumably the main reason why people – unless they refer … Read More
Merkel on German IIoT – Why Germany is on a Dangerous Path
I think Germany is lucky to have a physicist with some respectable track record as head of government. She is intrinsically motivated to push the country’s sadly lagging digital transformation and she does not like empty blab. Despite that she needs to tread very carefully. One “wrong” word might result in disastrous political or industrial effects. In last Friday’s first … Read More
Tech-Revolution IIoT?
Being a historian of science by education, it amazes me to find most of my contemporaries in the venture business so at ease with detecting with an abundance of certainty “next big things”. How they manage to identify “tech revolutions” within their immediate vicinity or forecast the lives of the generation to come remains a mystery to me. I wish … Read More